Luxury sedan BMW 320d Launched Newest

BMW 320d latest release in Jakarta. BMW 320d has the latest features, BMW TwinPower Turbo technology which combines diesel engine 2.0-liter four-cylinder with direct injection Common Rail.

President Director of BMW Indonesia Ramesh Divyanathan (left) with Head of Corporate Communications at BMW Group Indonesia Jodie O'tania, officially introduced the latest model of compact luxury sports sedan BMW 320d diesel.

Looks fierce and macho of the latest designs and models of compact luxury sports sedan diesel engine from BMW.

BMW 320d diesel engine newest series. The maximum engine-powered 184 hp at 4,000 rpm rotation, this car can accelerate from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in just 7.4 seconds.

BMW latest series this which this sophisticated design of interior is equipped mode Eco Pro which allows consumers to use fuel efficiently.

Looks A model of introduce BMW 320d latest series moment the launch in Jakarta. BMW who equipped velg Starspoke alloy wheels 17 inch this will be sold with price of Rp 659 million off the road.

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