Jeep Cherokee Got a New Name in China

2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee has a new baptismal name Zi You Guang in China. Literally, Zi You Guang means, the light of freedom (Liberty Light). So, that carried the name have anything to do with the previous model Liberty, which until now is still marketed in North America.

"China is the largest market outside the U.S. Jeep and every one of the five models in the medium SUV class are also sold here. So it all makes sense if we chose Shanghai as an international debut (after the U.S.)," said Mike Manley, Director of Jeep, launched In autonews , yesterday (04/18/2013).

China's Grand Cherokee is offered with two 4x4 systems. First, only one low gear acceleration (low gear) called Active Drive I, again available only two lower teeth (Active Drive II). There are currently no other details regarding the two variants that would be exhibited starting the day after tomorrow (04/21/2013).
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